Monday, May 31, 2010

Tuesday's Word of the Week!

Each Tuesday, we have a little fun learning a seldom used word. Many moons ago, I read a simple yet effective book titled "Word Jam" ( a must buy) written by Walt "Clyde" Frazier. Yes, for those in basketball land, this is the Hall of Famer from N.Y. Knicks folklore. The sole purpose of this book is to develop and increase ones vocabulary. One of the greatest tools we can have in our tool belts (figuratively speaking) is the self mastery of the English Language.

So, We're dedicated to doing our part (not to mention I just love learning and using new words). Listed below are the very short and simple rules to our little game:

1. Practice how to spell and pronounce the word
2. Learn the definition(s)
3. Use this word as many times as you possible can this week!

This weeks word is:

"Caveat" Ca*ve*at (noun)~ A Warning or Caution
example: "There is one final caveat to our written agreement, all signatures in blue ink".

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